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Daily UI

In mid-January 2021 I started a new challenge: 100 days of Daily UI. This challenge, created by Daily UI, consists of spending 100 days designing interfaces. For 20 weeks, I received an email every weekday with a design challenge. I usually spent between 30 minutes and 1 hour of my free time completing the challenges on Figma, and posting the final designs on dribbble.


2021, 20 weeks


UI Designer


Challenge: 100 days of UI design


UI design, Branding



Here are some of my favourite designs:

A screenshot of the UI for a music player

Day 009 - Music Player

A screenshot of a countdown app and two widgets

Day 014 - Countdown

A screenshot of the UI for a food menu app

Day 043 - Food Menu

Two screenshots showing the statistics of an ecommerce site

Day 066 - Statistics

Two screenshots of the UI of a flight search app

Day 068 - Flight Search

Two screenshots of the UI for an event listing app

Day 070 - Event Listing

Two screenshot of the UI for a trip schedule app

Day 071 - Schedule

A screenshot of a pre-order screen for a smart speaker

075 - Pre-Order

A gif of a loading screen

076 - Loading

A screenshot of the UI for a taxi app

079 - Itinerary

A screenshot of a landing page

095 - Product Tour

A screenshot of a digital card

097 - Giveaway

A screenshot of a landing page

100 - DailyUI Landing Page

If you want to see all my designs, check out my dribbble account.